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Citation Management Tools

Sync Your Library

With Zotero it is possible to store a copy of your library of citations on the Zotero server as well as on your device. By setting up the sync feature in your Zotero application you will ensure that the library you have saved online will match the library saved on your Zotero application.

To sync your library you will need to do the following:

  1. Create a free user account
  2. Open your Zotero desktop application
  3. Select "Edit" from the menu bar at the top of the screen in the Zotero application
  4. In the menu that pops up you will want to select "Preferences"

Zotero Edit menu

  1. This will open the Zotero Preferences window
  2. You will now need to select the "Sync" tab at the top of the newly opened window
  3. Once opened you will enter in the username and password that you used when creating your online account in step one
  4. Check the "Sync automatically" box as well as both boxes under "File Syncing" and choose Zotero storage for My Library. 
    1. This will sync your PDF attachments as well as your citations

images of the preferences window in Zotero