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Citation Management Tools

Mendeley Cite

There is a Mendeley plugin available for Microsoft Word, it is still in the BETA format so you will have to download this separately. The Plugin will add Mendeley to the toolbar options in Word, this will allow you to add citations to your document while you work. 

The Mendeley website reads:

you can use Mendeley Cite to "generate citations and bibliographies:

  • Find and insert individual or multiple references, and generate a bibliography of all the references you've cited
  • Edit a reference in a citation
  • Choose your preferred citation style by selecting from 1000s of different citation styles
  • Refresh references to update them with any changes made to your library
  • Use Mendeley Cite without Mendeley Reference Manager being open or installed

Mendeley Cite is compatible with Microsoft Word 2016 or above, Microsoft Online, Microsoft Office 365 and the Microsoft Word app for iPad®."


Remember to ALWAYS double check your citations and bibliography for errors. 

To download Mendeley Cite click here:

Want to lean more about the different features of Mendeley Cite? Check out this guide created by Mendeley for more information: