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Citation Management Tools

Importing Citations into Mendeley

Always double check your citations for accuracy and completeness after importing them!


There are a couple of different ways to add citations to Mendeley:

Mendeley Importer Browser Extension

The Mendeley Browser Extension is not only a convenient way to save citations to your Mendeley account, it is also required to save citations from PubMed. Downloading this browser extensions is simple, just click on the link below and follow the instructions on the Mendeley website.


Using the Browser Extension & Exporting Citations from PubMed

  1. Once you have completed your search in PubMed you can export your search results
  2. Click the Mendeley Browser Extension button in the top right hand corner of your internet browser (1 in the image below)
  3. Select all of the articles that you are interested in exporting (2 in the image below) 
  4. Click the "Add to Mendeley" button (3 in the image below)
  5. Check you Mendeley Library to ensure that your selected articles were imported.


image of PubMed with the browser extension highlighted in a red box

Importing from Files

Some databases, such as Embase and the OSU Catalog, will have you export your references to a file, which can then be imported into Mendeley. See the Exporting Citations from Databases and Catalogs section of this guide for more information on how to create a citation file.

To import citation files into Mendeley:

To import citations from a file on your computer you can click on the "Add New" button that appears on the left hand side of your screen when viewing your Mendeley Library. You will first select "Add New" and then "File(s) from computer" in the menu that appears. You will then select the file that you are importing into Mendeley. Please note that the file type that you choose should be in the RIS, BibTeX, or Endnote XML format.

You can also use the "Add Entry Manually" option, this will allow you to enter in all of the citation information for your articles manually. 


Mendeley Search

You can also search other Mendeley users libraries for additional citations. This feature can be accessed by clicking on the "Search" button on the top right hand side of your Mendeley screen. You can then search your topic and see what other Mendeley users are citing. 


Please be mindful that you will want to double check all citations for accuracy before you include them in your research. 

image of the mendeley search screen