Using the Page Navigation on the right-side of the record, you can also quickly access the following PubMed Record Fields:
- Similar Articles
- Using PubMed's algorithms, the Similar Articles field will display up to 5 articles that the system thinks you may also find interesting.
- Click on See All Similar Articles to see a full list of similar research
- Cited By
- The Cited By field will display up to 5 PMC articles that have cited this particular article in their bibliography.
- Click on See All Citing Articles to see a full list of PMC articles that have cited the item
- This field is only a list of articles that appear in PMC which cite the item, not a list of all articles that cite the item. For a more complete Cited By list, try using either Scopus or Web of Science to view a Citation Report.
- MeSH Terms
- Towards the bottom of the page you will see the MeSH Terms that have been applied to describe the "aboutness" of the article.
- It can be very helpful to look at the MeSH Terms applied to a relevant article to get ideas for other terms to try.
- You can click on any of the MeSH Terms listed to either run a new search for just that term, or look up the term in the MeSH database to learn more.
- Tip: Use the right-click feature when looking up a MeSH Term to open it up in a new tab or window. This will help you not lose your place in your PubMed search.