The Health Sciences Library provides access to comprehensive collections of eJournals, eBooks, databases, and other electronic tools for faculty, staff, and students at OSU. Electronic resources are available from on-campus or remotely through our Off-Campus Sign In service.
Always access electronic resources through the Health Sciences Library website to ensure that you are recognized as an OSU user!
You can find both eBooks and eJournals by searching the Library Catalog, by using the Online Journals and eBooks List, or by searching in one of the many Databases and Publisher Collections available via the HSL.
This resource provides detailed information on locating eBooks.
This resource provides detailed information on locating eJournals.
Our Core25 Resources Guide provides quick links to some of the most used health sciences eJournals and eBooks available through the HSL.
The HSL provides access to a large selection of Health Sciences Research Databases, including PubMed, CINAHL, Embase, Scopus, and many others. We also provide support for database searching in the form of basic reference services, librarian consultations, instructional sessions, and guides and tutorials.
This resource provides detailed information on finding full-text articles using OSU databases.
Subject Guides support library users at all times and from any location by collecting valuable library information into an online portal for independent learning.
Targeted at subject areas, specific courses, or general research skills, each guide contains links to a wide variety of both library and outside resources that can help users accomplish their research and education goals.
We are constantly expanding our collection of guides and adding content. For a complete list of HSL Subject Guides, visit our LibGuides Home.
Our electronic resources provide access to more than just eBooks and eJournals. Additional content includes recorded lectures, slides, study and review tools, video and multimedia collections, and interactive modules.
Check out our Virtual Instruction Guide for a detailed exploration of this content.
Some additional eResources available through the HSL: