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Library Hours

Ohio Public Health Practitioners

Ohio Library Services

Options for searching for and accessing books and journal articles:

1. Do you have a nearby public library? Call them and ask if they provide interlibrary services to obtain journal articles for free. Also check with them about which databases you may have access to remotely with your library card that might provide access to some journal articles.

2. Obtain a state library card to access some journals online remotely.

3. Visit your region's academic libraries. Call the information line for the library first to find out whether they provide guest access to their resources if you physically visit their library. Many do provide access. If they do, bring a flash drive to save articles since most academic libraries do not provide free printing.

4. Contact the corresponding author of the article to see if they are able to share a copy of the full text article with you. Many copyright agreements allow this.

Public Universities and Colleges in Ohio

OhioLINK and SearchOHIO

OhioLINK, or the Ohio Library and Information Network, is a network of 120 libraries located within Ohio colleges and universities and the State Library of Ohio. Registered members of OhioLINK libraries have online access to statewide resources through the State Library's catalog and are able to request books and audio/visual materials through the OhioLINK Library Catalog from other libraries who are part of this network. SearchOHIO is a partner of OhioLINK and extends access to select public library systems around Ohio through use of the SearchOhio Catalog.

Item searches and requests for books and media for each networks should be conducted using the respective online catalog. Requested items will be delivered to the requestor's choice of library within one week. 

Contact a library directly if you have questions about policies regarding resource sharing and library use. Some libraries may require that the patron is onsite and register for a temporary log in to access services, or that they bring a personal flash drive to save materials.

State Library of Ohio

Ohio residents and state employees are able to get a state library card online and get access to resources through the library.