OSU Wexner Medical Center
OSU Campus
PubMed Search Strategies on Anti-Racism
(("anti-racism"[tw] OR anti-racism[tw] OR anti racism[tw] OR antiracism[tw])) OR ((prejudice[tw] OR prejudices[tw]))) OR ("Prejudice"[Mesh])) OR ((Racial Bias[tw] OR Bias, Racial[tw] OR Racial Prejudice[tw] OR Prejudice, Racial[tw] OR Prejudices, Racial[tw] OR Racial Prejudices[tw] OR Racial Discrimination[tw] OR Discrimination, Racial[tw] OR Discriminations, Racial[tw] OR Racial Discriminations[tw] OR Covert Racism[tw] OR Covert Racisms[tw] OR Racism, Covert[tw] OR Racisms, Covert[tw]))) OR ("Racism"[Mesh] OR "systematic racism"[tw] OR "institutional racism"[tw]))
You can use this search strategy in PubMed by itself to find articles about antiracism or racism or you can add more terms on other topics of interest. For example:
(("anti-racism"[tw] OR anti-racism[tw] OR anti racism[tw] OR antiracism[tw])) OR ((prejudice[tw] OR prejudices[tw]))) OR ("Prejudice"[Mesh])) OR ((Racial Bias[tw] OR Bias, Racial[tw] OR Racial Prejudice[tw] OR Prejudice, Racial[tw] OR Prejudices, Racial[tw] OR Racial Prejudices[tw] OR Racial Discrimination[tw] OR Discrimination, Racial[tw] OR Discriminations, Racial[tw] OR Racial Discriminations[tw] OR Covert Racism[tw] OR Covert Racisms[tw] OR Racism, Covert[tw] OR Racisms, Covert[tw]))) OR ("Racism"[Mesh] OR "systematic racism"[tw] OR "institutional racism"[tw])) AND ("Neoplasms"[Mesh] OR cancer) .
Search Strategy developed by Kerry Dhakal, dhakal.9@osu.edu
Selected Journal Titles
Medical Anthropology: Cross Cultural Studies in Health and Illness
Journal of Transcultural Nursing
A Guide to Black Lives Matter Data
This resource provides an extensive list of datasets, websites and organizations collecting and sharing data concerning the Black Lives Matter movement. It was developed by Holly Davis, Research Commons Services Coordinator, and Leta Hendricks, African American and African Studies Librarian, The Ohio State University Libraries).
World Health Data Platform - Health Equity
These data are provided by the Global Health Observatory program at the World Health Organization (WHO). Data products include country profiles, statistical codes and a compendium of indicator definitions as well as publications about WHO findings on Health Equity.
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Data Catalog
This website provides access to many of the datasets created by or collected by the CDC. You can search for data by name or keyword. Searching for the keyword 'race' resulted in 150 available datasets. Searching for 'ethnicity' resulted in 94 available datasets.
Selected Databases
Visual Dx or Diagnosis is a database licensed to the Health Sciences Library that can be found on the HSL homepage under Top Resources. This database provides visual guides and images to help clinicians diagnosis patients. It also has a differential diagnosis tool that helps clinicians narrow possible diagnoses based on patient presentation of symptoms. Images are provided for each diagnosis and there is a Skin Pigmentation tool available for some of the diagnostic images to aid clinicians in identifying disease and its presentation on different colors of skin.