To make an appointment to consult with an HSL librarian on your systematic review, please read our Systematic Review Policy and submit a Systematic Review Consultation Request.
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Many of these resources can be found as links throughout this guide, but they are also consolidated here for your convenience.
The Institute of Medicine's recommended standards for developing high-quality systematic reviews of comparative effectiveness research.
The Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions.
A statement of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses.
The Centre for Reviews and Dissemination's guidance for undertaking systematic reviews in health care.
The Best Evidence Medical Education Collaboration's guide to conducting a best evidence systematic review.
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's guide for effectiveness and comparative effectiveness reviews.
The following is a basic PubMed search for publications about the process of conducting and/or writing up systemtic reviews. Modify the search however you need to find more specific topics:
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