Depending on how you access PubMed and your NCBI account, you may have different experiences.
Please see below for the most common access routes and pick the one that matches what you are doing.
On Campus, OSU Wifi
If you are on campus and using the OSU wifi, you should be able to login to the 3rd party system of your choice. Simply access PubMed and click on the Login button in the top right-hand corner of the screen. Select the 3rd party system you use and login. Remember to select More Login Options to see OSU.
On Campus, OSUWMC Wifi
If you are on campus and using the OSUWMC wifi, you will not be able to use Google or Facebook to login to your NCBI account. However, you should be able to use the others, such as OSU, ORCiD, or eRA Commons. This is due to a restriction from OSUWMC IT regarding access to social media.
If you have already linked your Google or Facebook account, you will want to access your NCBI account from off campus, or on the OSU wifi, and link up another 3rd party system, such as OSU, ORCiD, or eRA Commons. When you return to the OSUWMC wifi, select one of these options instead.
Off Campus, OSUWMC VPN
If you are off-campus and using the OSUWMC VPN, the system will essentially think that you are on-campus and using the OSUWMC wifi. As such, you will not be able to use Google or Facebook to access your account. Please see above for more details.
You can either disconnect from the VPN and access your NCBI account using the Off Campus, Library Proxy instructions below, or you can link up another 3rd party system to access your account while on the VPN.
Off Campus, Library Proxy
If you are off-campus and using the library proxy (e.g. using Off Campus Sign-In), you will need to disconnect from the proxy in order to access your NCBI account. Currently, 3rd party logins do not work with library proxies.
To access PubMed and your NCBI account outside of the library proxy, use the link below.