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Occupational Therapy

Asking Good Questions

The key to finding appropriate evidence is to ask a searchable, answerable question.  The PICO framework is often used as a guide for asking clinical questions.

= patient, problem, population
I  = intervention
C = comparison intervention, control
O = outcome(s)

Have you noticed resources that refer to PICOT instead of PICO?  Some EBP experts add T to the standard PICO framework.  The T usually stands for time and can be helpful in making sure you're thinking of the appropriate time frame for your intervention and/or outcomes.

How to Build a PICO Question

Video created by Show Me The Evidence.

PICO Examples

Example 1

You are working with a child who has autism and is struggling to navigate social interactions at school. You have heard of an intervention called Social Stories, and you wonder if this might be helpful.

P = children with Autism

I = Social Stories

C = no Social Stories

O = ability to navigate social interactions

"In children with Autism, does using Social Stores impact their ability to navigate social interactions?"

Example 2

Your patient is an older person who is experiencing insomnia and you wonder how effective sleep restriction therapy might be in improving her sleep patterns.

P = insomnia

I = sleep restriction therapy

C = no therapy

O = improved sleep patterns

"In older people with insomnia, how effective is sleep restriction therapy at improving sleep patterns?"