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Library Hours

Digital Image & Multimedia Collections


The vast majority of resources listed on this guide are copyrighted and licensed for personal, non-commercial use or for educational purposes.  Any use beyond those purposes will likely require permission from the copyright holder. 

Please note: It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that all materials are used appropriately and copyright law is followed.

Check out the Follow Copyright page on this guide for more information.

General Videos & Films

Medical & Health Sciences Videos

JoVE (the Journal of Visualized Experiments) is a video methods journal that publishes experimental techniques in a visual format with detailed text protocols to increase scientific reproducibility and productivity.  The library subscribes to 5 different JoVE titles:

McGraw-Hill Medical contain a wide variety of resources, including video and multimedia materials.  To search for available videos, select Multimedia at the top of the screen.  The library subscribes to 4 different McGraw-Hill Medical databases.

Please note: This resource is for use only by academic faculty, staff, and students, and is not for use in hospitals or clinics. 

Government Resources

Other Resources