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Library Hours

Healthcare Executives

Scholarly Journals and Articles

The Library subscribes to a wide variety of scholarly journals and databases.  These can be a good resource for staying up-to-date on current research trends and health care innovation.

You can leverage the Library's subscriptions to access this information for free using the links and resources below.


BrowZine Logo

BrowZine allows OSU users to access thousands of scholarly journals. This interface makes for easy browsing, and allows users to make personalized bookshelves and article collections to keep current on the research in their field!

BrowZine is available as an app, or as a web-based version.

Sign up for an account:

  • Access BrowZine through a web browser
  • Click on the cog icon in the top right-hand corner, click on Log In then Sign Up
  • Once you have created your account, you can start adding publications to your Bookshelf by locating the title then clicking Add to my Bookshelf

**Please note: you do not have to create an account to use BrowZine.  However, creating an account will allow you to have a personal bookshelf and use the app

Read by QxMD


Read by QxMD curates a collection of recent medical research articles based on your professional interests.  This tool allows you to track publications in a specific field or discipline, as well as follow specific journals.

Read by QxMD is available as an app, or as a web-based version.

Sign up for an account:

  • Access Read by QxMD through either the app or the web version
  • Click on Sign Up to create an account
  • Once you have created your account, you will be asked to select your institution to gain full-text access

**Please note: you do not have to create an account to use Read.  However, creating an account will allow you to have a personal feed and use the app.

Selected eJournals

Recommended Databases

To search more broadly for articles on a specific topic, you will likely want to use one of our databases.  Below are a couple suggestions of databases to start with, but you can also view a list of recommended databases by subject area if you are not sure of the one you want.

Healthcare Topics
Business & Management Topics
Library Databases by Subject